It finally happend!
It took me about 4 and a halv months but my body finally decided to stop working, well at least 90% of it, it is either inflamed or just stiff..and you might ask me ''Well David, that means that you still have 10% left to give, why aren't you using those?'' or..
''Really, you used 90% of your strength - how did you messure that?
I got 2 reall fast answers for you..
First question: 10% is used to wipe my ass after been at the little boys room..
Second question: It was easy...I made it up!
No, but jokes aside, my feet, my shoulders, both my elbows and my left knee is at the moment hurting like God knows what and It feels impossible for me to run any kind of drills without picturing myself that I will be in a huge amount of pain.
So I talked to my second coach ( That's right Samuel, I already got you replace - so much for our so called relationship) whom gave me a few awful suggestions what to do in order to get well, get this, she wants me to!!?
I know, can you believe her? I was also told not to go to the gym for about 1 week and just sleep and eat - can you believe this - some people just wants to watch the world burn I guess..
Sadly this is not something that I will be able to do, since my perception is kind of fudged up. But in order to accomplish this I turned to Samuel and asked him to lock away my Gym card so I wont have access to the gym for about 1 week. I mean even this morning when I woke up my body and my mind both were kind of fighting with each other, while my head said ''you can do it'' my body keept fighting ''FU, just go back to bed'' - I know this sounds weird to many of you - trust me It's pretty strange for me as well, anywhozies - I ended up going to the gym...and I ended up hurting myself even more - so that is why I asked Samuel to take my card in order to make it impossible for me to workout, because I can not, not do it by myself.
So for now - until Tuesday, I will (try to) NOT to exercises!
But this will not be any reason to rest and just sit home watching Cartoons - hell to the no, this is a huge chance for me to pick up some other work and start arranging stuff, looking up prices for the hotels, flights and what not during my trip there so I am still working towards the whole ''Project Olympus'' path!
This type of pain has been going on for a while which makes it pretty sad that I have to chill for a while - but even so I've been progressing well. During these last 2 weeks I've done some good personal best and been progressing - the exercises has been heavier but not as hasty, so that counts for something!
Anyway, I know this was a stupid long post and cheers if you made it all the way here! I wish you all the very best and to keep fighting, don't give up even tho it know, if you haven't reached the limit that you can't wipe your own ass! Work hard!
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