Monday, December 23, 2013

Some days I want to quit..

..and just be normal for a bit..

That's is sadly how I've been feeling lately , during these last days the only thing that I've know besides workingout is that I've been eating and eating and eating and eating...

And it's all good, I mean, even tho I want to look fit and all - my body and my mind is just wrecked and in order to get my strength back and be able to do all of this training that I want to do - is that I need to eat so I don't mind that AT ALL, specially during Christmas which is my ''naughty time'', that means coffee, hot chocolate and saffran buns..oh those amazing, perfect 8shaped, Gods gift to humanity...I just love their..oh, crap, I am getting of topic..

I think that a major reason why I feel like shit is because my feet still feel the way that it does, but despite that I am still doing my daily 45 minutes (as you know I changed it from my 1 hour daily to 45 minutes and lowered the weight to 20 kilos, that's what I have to do due to my condition) so I had to change my type of training.

Also depending if my feet allows it, I've sometimes skipped the daily 45 minutes because of the legs working the day before since they put alot of preasure under my feet which hurts alot.

I know that I speak of ''No Excuses'' policy which I think that I've shown pretty well that I stand by, by now. Even tho it hurts alot and even tho I've been tired I still went hard - I even went beyond hard all the way til ''if you walk more you might not be able to walk ever again in the future'' - hard.

I mean, what If I would have rested when I was tired and then got better and knowing that I could have pushed more and I didn't because I was afraid, you can NOT let the fear of failure stand in your way...even tho shit like this might happend - YOU HAVE TRY!

Nope, I am still going but the type of training will vary since during Christmas my Coach has decided to take some time off to spend with family and friends and loved once...I know, what a loser..

No no no, I am only joking, of course he should and I am doing that as well, family time during the holiday are important and even if you're family is small or big, even if you're missing someone dear this year, just remember to give some of the love that you have left to the once that you care about!

One extra ''I love you'' or one extra hug to someone that you care about could mean the world, so if you are struggeling even if you have a hard time getting along with people, but those difference aside and if you have to have negative thoughts and feelings towards some people or someone - do so after Christmas!

Aiight, I wish you all a Merry Christmas and I know this is  the time of the year when you're ''suppose'' to rest, just get up 2 hours then what you're suppose to and just hit the gym or read that chapter or send that e.mail that you should so that you're always pushing yourself and you will be one step closer of reaching your goal!

Work Hard!

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