Tuesday, November 12, 2013

New Goals!

 Hey guys!

So it's been a while since I posted something - so here are some news about what I have been up to and what will be worked on for the future!

As you know I've been sick, really sick actually and due to that I have not been able to work as valid as I would like - but I am back, I've actually been back for a while and it is actually going better then I expected!

Today was my first high reps of Deadlift since my injure and it went well (just look at the picture)! I pushed pass the 100 reps and did a 110 reps in 21 minutes, which is not only 10 reps more then last time I tried it, but also 5 minutes faster.

So I've decided to make this my new goal, before I am climbing Olympus I will be able to do a 100 reps of Deadlift under 15 minutes with a weight of 70 Kilos, is this duable before the arranged date then I will be either adding a few extra kilos/lowering the timelimit or just do more reps.

When it comes to walking on the other side, it's going great! I have not only been able to do 3 great walking hours during these last 3 days, but I've also increased from 25 kilos til 30, and I've decided that before it's time to climb Olympus I will have done atleast one 5 hours walk with 30 kilos on, instead of 25. During these 5 hours, 3 of them will be walked with 30 kilos and 2 of them will be with 25 kilos - and if everthing goes well I will be aiming for a full 5 hours walk with 30 on my back!

So these are the news and updates of what I've aiming for and my progress so fare!

I also want to thank all of you for the support and love that you've been giving me - It means alot just letting you all know that! As well as my Coach for not letting me quit when it hurts..and trust me...it hurts!

Work hard guys, and I will see you all again soon!

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